This is the story of a nice girl and her Malamute dog. The girl persuaded the dog to bathe because he was filthy and muddy.
Phil is the name of the dog. He was irritated because he was fatigued and refused to take a bath. The situation is quite touching.
The girl’s mother and father couldn’t get their dog to bathe, so they contacted their daughter. Both the dog and the girl get along swimmingly.
The girl and the dog had a lovely talk. Amelia is the name of the young lady. In a very nice manner, the girl instructs the dog to bathe. The small child was incredibly gentle with the dog.
After various attempts to persuade the dog, The dog agreed to bathe on his own. The dog was kissed and caressed by the girl. The dog and the girl were inseparably linked. The activity was also joined by the family’s fluffy cat.
Watch the video below!