Raden Soemawinata, 20, was to Brighton Pier in Melbourne, Australia, to spread his grandmother’s ashes into the sea. But he had no clue he’d be saving another life while he was saying goodbye to one.
A small Maltese-shih tzu wound up in the sea when he was still at the dock. Bibi’s name means “little one,” and he was so small that the high winds blowing across the bay blew him off the pier and into the water. Sue Drummond, Bibi’s fur mom, was terrified from the moment Bibi was rescued from the dock. She went to the bystanders for assistance, unsure if she could complete the difficult rescue on her own. Raden, fortunately for Bibi, was willing to take the risk.
Soemawinata stripped down to his underpants and dived into the river to save the terrified puppy, all as a frightened Drummond and other onlookers looked on.
On begin, he clung to the rails for a few moments before launching himself into the air, undoubtedly feeling a little nervous in the moments leading up to the incredible rescue. Bibi was already battling to keep above the water’s surface when Raden jumped in. The Maltese mix could be seen trotting around the bay with all his might, attempting to conquer the waves that were hurling him around.
Raden took a few moments to approach the helpless puppy, but Bibi was soon in his grasp. Raden grabbed the terrified puppy and lifted him over the waves.
Raden quickly realized he wouldn’t be able to make it to the shore with the puppy in his arms, so he swam back to the pier where they had both entered the sea. Raden lifted Bibi as high as he could, trusting Susan to bend over the railings and pull her dog to safety.
Soemawinata, who has been acclaimed a hero, was fortunate enough to be in the right position at the right moment to save Bibi. It was unquestionably fate, and both Bibi and Drummond are grateful for his foresight.