A cute puppy can’t sleep unless she’s playing with and snuggling her favorite and most comfortable plush toy banana… See the pictures here!

Every child has a favorite toy with which they spend their days. They enjoy sleeping and playing with them all of the time without becoming bored.

Puppies and senior dogs, it turns out, enjoys playing with toys. This is the story of Tessa, a wonderful dog.

An adorable 20-year-old dog enjoys playing with and cuddling with her favorite toy. The dog is a terrier mix.

Everyone in the family knows how much the dog-like them, but her favorite toy is a toy banana.

For a long period, the dog is unable to function without her toy.

She wants to take the toy with her wherever she goes. For the past five years, this toy has been her favorite.

Everyone who comes to their house gets to see the dog’s banana toy. She truly wants everyone to know how valuable this toy is to her.

Even though the dog is already 20 years old, she still goes out and plays with her toy. This banana toy is her personal property, which she guards carefully.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!:

A cute puppy can’t sleep unless she’s playing with and snuggling her favorite and most comfortable plush toy banana… See the pictures here!
Dogs are considered to be human beings as well…