In many ways, the story of Boots and Babs, two Pit Bull mix dogs, is heartbreaking. The two dogs were left in a desolate industrial region, where survival was a major challenge.
Despite this, the dogs comforted one another throughout the dreadful evenings, hoping that someone would sympathize with their predicament.
A year had passed by the time a worker decided to call a rescue to aid the two canines. When Hope For Paws arrived at the industrial stretch, they fully expected to discover two strong canines who had been toughened by their abandonment. Boots and Babs, despite their bleak circumstances, were far from “tough.”
With some food, the rescuers approach Boots. The dog’s eyes twinkle with joy as he immediately welcomes the rescuers with cuddles and tail wags. When they go to retrieve Babs, the sweet girl responds in the same way! The grateful couple settles into the rescue van with glee, knowing that their difficult days are finally over!
The two dogs were fostered by “Doggie Bonez” after receiving much-needed medical treatment. Babs is said to have found a forever home quickly, while the employees are still hunting for a suitable home for the laid-back Boots. It’s incredible to see that, despite being dumped, Boots and Babs haven’t lost trust in mankind. We wish these sweethearts a long and happy life!