Pugh is the name of this dog, and he has recently become the most popular and well-known in Bangkok due to his originality and quick wit.
Pugh, as is customary, followed his master to work that morning and then embarked on an expedition of his own.
His course took him by one trash can, which he had to concentrate on.
An odd sound coming from a little bundle drew his attention.
The squeak resembled that of a cat. After sniffing the bundle, the dog grabbed it with its jaws and began dragging it home.
The dog dragged his peculiar treasure to the threshold of his house with the last of his vigor and began barking very loudly to attract maximum attention to herself.
After a few minutes, the owner came running to bark, thinking there were kittens in the sack.
A newborn infant was inside the sack, and it was barely breathing.
The woman quickly wrapped the infant in a warm blanket and called 911…
It’s terrifying to consider what would have happened to this baby if it weren’t for this dog.
After all, he preserved the most precious asset a person possesses: his or her life!
The infant is much happier now. However, word of the dog’s bravery has spread throughout the district.
The mayor of the city was so impressed by the dog’s mental abilities that he ordered a customized lifeguard collar created for Pugh.
For a good upbringing, the dog’s owner was given a prize of 250 euros. Local periodicals and newspapers were as unforgiving.
Each source was eager to write a story about the owner and his canine companion.