The MuttShack Animal Rescue is a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting dogs in low-income areas of California. The rescue has uploaded an adorable video of an interesting meeting between a little rescue puppy and two large canines at the shelter — and it’s too cute to handle.
The shelter realized right away that this tiny black-and-white puppy was a live wire when he was rescued! The workers at the shelter put the puppy in his own kennel, confident that he would be safe there. The rambunctious puppy, on the other hand, bolted from the kennel the moment he saw an opportunity and ran directly to the playground where the big dogs were playing!
The puppy in this video is seen charging at the big dogs without fear! In front of large dogs, he appears to be a dwarf, but he wags his small tail and requests that the big canines pay attention to him. The puppy’s antics fascinate Sasha, the shelter’s Great Dane, so much that she instantly takes him under her wing!
The other big dogs gather to inspect the puppy after Sasha assigns herself as its guardian. This little youngster appears to have already established dominance over the shelter’s larger dogs! This cute story reminds me of the doggy version of David and Goliath!
Watch the tiny puppy running around requesting that the bigger dogs play with him in the video here: