If there’s one thing that everyone can agree on, it’s that pizza is tasty. Most individuals can’t say no to a hot slice of pizza when they see one and are willing to make many sacrifices to get one. They are willing to give up their diet and even spend their last dollar on some. I’m sure I’ve done some dubious things only to get my hands on the box’s last piece of pizza.
Dogs, it turns out, adore pizza just as much as humans do, but when someone brings him a slice of pepperoni pizza, he has an incredibly charming reaction. The moment was captured on tape, and everyone was enthralled by it!
Finn, the sweet pitbull, appears to be delighted to have his dish of dog food replaced with some tasty pizza, and his reaction has won hearts all over the world, but life wasn’t always like this for him. In truth, he had a difficult life. Finn was one of the canines recovered in the second-largest dogfighting bust in the United States. Over 300 canines were saved from what can only be characterized as a dog’s hell in 2013. Finn, like many other dogs, was forced to participate in illegal dogfights.
Finn is now living the calm life he has always deserved, due to some very good people. Fortunately, the rescuer was able to find a lifelong home and a loving family. Finn has his own Facebook profile as well.
His Facebook bio reads, “I lived on a chain in a yard with a number of other dogs.” “Then some lovely people from the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) came along and rescued me and looked after me… I now live with 3 other dogs, 2 cats, and two people in a family.”
Do not forget to watch the video below!