Recka is a newcomer to the scene. We received a report of a sad dog laying on the sidewalk, barely alive, famished, dehydrated, and hopeless as she awaited her fate!
I’m at a loss for words! Your heart does not get accustomed to suffering no matter how many times you see that.
Because the risk of death is quite great, time was of the essence.
We went to the veterinarian! After receiving her first therapy, recka was able to clean her wounds throughout her body, and he was able to eat his first meal. Almost all of the skin and fur on her malnourished body had vanished within two days!
How much anguish and how long she endured despite the fact that many people passed by but no one offered assistance for days!
It’s been three days since it’s been with its new owner! He’s now standing, eating, and being a glutton!
Even though she has a fracture in her right arm, she can now run. Every day, she improves more and more.
Watch the video below!