This dog who was hungry and tethered to a tree has been rescued and is now…

According to, a long-legged, malnourished Dogo Argentino mix tied to a tree in someone’s backyard grabbed the eye of a landlord who owns property in a Miami, FL neighborhood.

When he mentioned the dog’s condition to some of his tenants, the renters — who described themselves as “big dog people” — decided to go see the dog, who was only a few blocks away.

When the four roommates — Stephanie, Alexandra, Hugo, and Alejandro — arrived at the house, they approached the dog and gave him food and drink. The man who resided in this house arrived shortly after and confronted the intruders in his yard. He explained that the dog belonged to his nephew and that he “wasn’t interested in caring for him.” The four roommates immediately offered to take this dog, and the man accepted.

The four roommates then phoned Animal Control, but after learning that this dog might be euthanized, they opted to accept him into their home instead.

It was time to give this dog a new name now that he was no longer attached to a tree and could live the life he had always deserved. Alexandra came up with the name “Ganesh,” which was a fantastic fit for this canine whose life had just been turned upside down. Stephanie explained to BarkPost (watch at the end).

“[W]e all adored it since it represents the Hindu God of Overcoming Obstacles, who pave the way for a new beginning.” We all thought it was a great name for a young man with a bright future ahead of him.”

Ganesh was given a much-needed bath after being rescued, which included the removal of filth and fleas. Ganesh was also given a post-bath coconut oil rubdown, giving him the feel of a doggie spa day.

Ganesh’s new beginnings were accompanied by the realization that he need medical attention. It was unclear, however, how comprehensive his requirements would be. Stephanie created a GoFundMe account for Ganesh, and donations poured in so quickly that they chose to close the donations after a day because they “thought it was enough to care for his medical requirements and other expenses.” Ganesh turned out to be in surprisingly good health, despite the fact that he needed to gain muscle, get neutered, and get rid of an ear infection caused by a mild case of ear mites.

“Any funds left over after he’s recovered will be used to aid other animals in need.” We hope Ganesh’s story will motivate others to help other creatures in need.”

The other furry residents of Ganesh’s new home appear to be paying it forward, showing their new foster brother how to snuggle and play. Simba, a Labrador, Piper, a German Shepherd, Leighla, a mixed breed, and KitKat, the tiny cat who is still warming up to Ganesh, are Ganesh’s four siblings. We at BarkPost are hoping that by sharing Ganesh’s tale, KitKat may be more inclined to cuddle up to her now-famous foster brother. KitKat, there is yet hope for you.

Ganesh spends his days snuggled in his new bed, snuggling with his four new humans, and following them around the home, in addition to palling around with his new siblings. He’s also been taking advantage of the “winter” in South Florida by going to the beach and dog park, where he’s made friends with both canines and humans. Ganesh apparently believes he’s a small lap dog and enjoys falling asleep in Stephanie and Alexandra’s laps, which appears to be a frequent behavior in larger dogs.

Another one of Ganesh’s specialties? Hugs

“Every time we walk into the house, he gives us a hug.” He stands] on his hind legs with his front paws at our waist. It’s such a nice feeling to return home to.”

We at BarkPost wholeheartedly agree.

Ganesh will now get to perform something that every dog should do.

“Ganesh came into our lives fearful and having never known compassion. The endless thanks and loyalty he has offered to every one of us has been the most lovely experience thus far. Every time you look at him, he says “thank you” with his lovely eyes… At this stage in his life, all that counts to him is giving and receiving more and more love. That, and there’s food!”

Another of Ganesh’s favorite pastimes appears to be eating. This huge boy gained almost 10 pounds in a week and a half by eating “four tiny but hefty meals” every day.

Ganesh has undergone a remarkable turnaround.

“Ganesh was nervous, but he was also tired, famished, and perplexed. Ganesh is now a cheerful, lively kid who is learning good manners, is well-behaved, and has a lot of love to give.”

Ganesh is now safe, loved, and enjoying the pleasures of a real house, but it’s unclear whether he’s found his forever home. Stephanie explained to BarkPost:

“Alex and I are utterly enamored with the thought of becoming his everlasting humans, but for the time being, we’re leaving our options open.”

Whether Ganesh is a permanent family member or a foster dog whose life was spared the day he was untied from that tree, it’s evident that he’s exactly where he’s supposed to be right now – in a home where he’s loved, safe, and able to give his humans all of the cuddles his two front paws need.

Here is the video!

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