Every day, homeless animals struggle to find food and a safe place to sleep. In India, an estimated 30 million stray dogs are fighting for survival. That’s a staggering figure.
Thankfully, despite economic hardships, there are rescue organizations such as Animal Aid that are dedicated to assisting as many animals as possible.
A call was made to Animal Aid regarding a stray dog that had collapsed in the middle of the street. He couldn’t move since he was paralyzed. They were taken aback by his condition when they arrived. Every bone in his body was visible. The good man, who was willing to go to any length to preserve his life, could see how much this young puppy had endured on a regular basis. Despite his frailty and illness, he managed to wag his tail a little. “Hello,” and “Thank you,” as if to say.
Sparkle, the beautiful dog, was lovingly wrapped in a blanket and lifted up. It was time to transport him to the Animal Aid refuge. He required rapid medical attention.
The vet was correct in his assumption that the dog was suffering from distemper. Diarrhea and a loss of appetite are symptoms of the infection. Sparkle should get better once the illness is dealt with. The beautiful boy sat calmly on the exam table, allowing his new human pals to assist him.
Sparkle needs rest and IV fluids while on antibiotics to prevent secondary illness. He was unable to stand, but he immediately approves. He can now eat on his own after only five days! He enjoys being handled and petted. He’s a real sweetheart!
Sparkle’s new caregivers also begin physical therapy with him. He needs to strengthen his muscles and improve his coordination. Throughout each PT session, he maintains a cheerful demeanor. Isn’t he a cutie?
Sparkle is still shaky twenty days after being rescued. But he’s a fighter, and his caregivers are working hard to help him get back in shape! Indeed, he is so enamored with his new acquaintances that he takes his first steps on his own, smiling, to give his caretaker a kiss. It’s something you have to see for yourself! He’s incredible!
Sparkle improves well with continued medical care and lots of affection. This lovely boy is no longer recognizable. We won’t give anything away. Check out the video below from Animal Aid to see his whole metamorphosis. This great group has our undying admiration. We are overjoyed that Sparkle has not only survived but also appears to be in good health. He’ll never have to live on the streets again!
Here is the video: