Saving pets is one of the hardest occupations ever, shelters and rescue organizations always work hard to save the poor creatures! This story about a poor sweet dog living in a garbage dump exemplifies this wonderfully.
Hercules, the dog, would come up to anybody who came to dump their belongings, begging them to take him home with them, but no one did! A volunteer called Amanda Cunefare for an organization that helps dogs called RWB, (Rescuers Without Borders) reported that there were more than 800 dogs living there, with awful conditions, no food around, and very cold!
Gocke Erdogan, a young woman started to feed the dog in the landfill for four years. The caring woman also tried to rehome them wherever feasible. Fortunately, RWB joined Gocke to help the street dogs.
Thankfully, they have saved 47 dogs and rehomed them. They wish to rehome them all, but it was a hard mission. Cunefare took Hercules under her care, and chose to adopt him, happily, she managed to bring him to the U.S, to live with her.