People’s hearts are warmed by this blind Golden Retriever and his guide dog buddy…

Jake, a Golden Retriever, has lost his sight, and his pal Addie is assisting him in adjusting to his new existence.

And she is successful.

Addie has proven herself to be a trustworthy guide and a caring friend over the last few years.

The canines’ owner, Kim, explained that Jake joined their family after their previous pet died.

Jake was depressed, and they recognized he required a companion.

As a result, Addie became a member of the family.

Jake’s issues started when he was just two years old. His eyes had stopped tearing up.

“Over the next few months, he tried every drug the vet advised, as well as multiple procedures, but his eyes only became worse.”

The owners were presented with a terrible choice: remove the eyes or euthanize the animal.

“Both possibilities felt so harsh, especially for a dog who had already experienced so much.”

Other dog owners who had lost their sight, on the other hand, were contacted within a few days. They inspired the family by telling them about the lives of dogs who are blind but live normally and happily.

“Our physician also told us that sight is actually third on a dog’s list of senses, with smell and hearing being more crucial.”

The dog’s owners chose to have the surgery.

Jake began to wag his tail shortly afterward, according to veterinarians.

Kim acknowledges, “His months of anguish passed, and he let us know.”

The woman confesses that the dog quickly adjusted to his new surroundings.

Addie was really helpful in this regard; she wore a small bell around her neck at first until Jake became accustomed to finding her without it.

He still has problems now and again, but he knows his way around the house and the area.

“We are overjoyed that we made the right decision. We appreciate all of the folks that encouraged us to assist Jake. Every day, he reminds us that his life still has meaning and significance.”

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People’s hearts are warmed by this blind Golden Retriever and his guide dog buddy…
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