At a Maharashtra temple, a cute dog ‘blesses’ and holds hands with devotees…

The dog is a beneficial pet animal. They are both intelligent and trustworthy. They occasionally do amusing things that make us chuckle.

The cute video shows the dog waiting outside the temple’s departure gate, offering guests high fives and handshakes when they stop to say hello.

A video of a dog greeting guests outside of Mumbai’s Siddhivinayak Temple has gone viral after a bystander captured him “blessing” the devotees.

Another man exiting the temple bows his head in front of the dog and receives a paw smack on the head – a doggie benediction!

One man appears to have brought a bag of treats expressly for the dog, indicating that it is regular.

Arun Limadia is said to have shared the video on Facebook, where it has earned tens of thousands of likes.

There’s no indication of whether the dog belongs to someone or is one of the city’s thousands of stray dogs.

Here is the video:

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At a Maharashtra temple, a cute dog ‘blesses’ and holds hands with devotees…
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