Hope For Paws received reports of two homeless dogs attempting to survive on the streets.
They set out to save the dogs, only to learn that one of them was missing half of a limb and that none of them trusted humans, especially men. Rescuers would enquire whether they could utilize a fenced yard belonging to a neighbor to help prevent escape.
After some rigorous preparation and challenging times, the dogs were eventually trapped by a cheeseburger! Once the Lucky Leashes were in place, all of the strain would be worth it. Hudson was the name of one of the injured children, while Lawrence was the name of the other, and both were taken to CARES for examinations.
Both dogs were in desperate need of baths and medical attention, and they seemed to be having a great time in the hospital! After Hudson’s limb was amputated, they were ready to be fostered by Foxy and the Hounds. The sweet pups are in desperate need of a forever home right now!