Ruggles, a Shih-Tzu puppy, was saved from a puppy mill and adopted into a loving family. To mark this fresh beginning, he was presented to a new acquaintance, who was likewise saved from an unpleasant situation. Chompers, a two-day-old kitten, was discovered alone beneath a porch. Watch as they meet for the first time in the video below.
Ruggles and Chompers, despite their rocky start in life, are both happy and healthy, and have been adopted into loving permanent homes! Ruggles went on to become the official ambassador for the Cherokee County Animal Shelter, where he was rescued. The puppy now makes appearances in schools to educate children about puppy mills and shelter canines.
A remark about their adoptions from their YouTube video page: “For those asking why they weren’t adopted together, that was the shelter’s original plan, but Chompers (true to her name!) got too harsh with young Ruggles and given to his health issues, it was concluded that it was in the best interests of both animals to be adopted individually.” They’re both content and well-liked!”
Here is the video: