After losing her best cat buddy, a dog becomes a foster mother to close to 100 kittens…

This dog, named Zuca, was discovered on the street in Oregon a few years ago.

The dog appeared neglected, and she was also pregnant. Zuca was apprehended and taken to a shelter, where she gave birth and her puppies were placed with foster parents.

However, finding a home for the dog was not easy.

Six months later, Ronda, a shelter staffer, decided to bring Zuca to her.

Zuca’s conduct is extremely different from that of other shelter canines, she noticed a long time ago.

“All of the dogs were ecstatic to see people and acted out in their cages, barking and spinning in place.” Only Zuca sat.

Ronda felt terrible for the puppy and took him home with her.

Ronda already had cats at home, but Zuca rapidly learned how to communicate with them.

She formed an especially strong bond with an elderly cat named Stout.

Zuca was heartbroken when the cat died not long after.

Zuka spent a lot of time in the shelter with Ronda, and when a young kitten named Monkey was brought in one day, Zuka showed intense maternal feelings for him.

Zuci’s first adoptive “son” was Monkey. She quickly became a foster mother for all of the orphaned kittens who arrived at the shelter.

“At first, I was apprehensive. “Because Zuca is a mix of a pit bull and a large, powerful dog, she might easily injure the kittens without even intending to,” Ronda explains. “However, Zuca was very patient and loving with the babies.” She gives them a lot of leeway, and they crawl all over her like a giant soft toys. She won’t be harsh to them even if they scratch or bite her.”

Zuca, according to Ronda, doesn’t simply look after the kittens; she also seems to know what they need in the first place.

If the kitten is wild, she will not climb close to him but instead lie calmly, enabling him to become accustomed to her presence over time. If the kitten has been socialized, she will lick it and kiss it all over the place.

Zuca has taken care of over a hundred kittens in this manner throughout the years.

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After losing her best cat buddy, a dog becomes a foster mother to close to 100 kittens…
Poor dog was using a shoe as a shelter but look at where he ended up…