This is the most lovely moment, when two rescue puppies pose for the camera in a tableau of pure affection. The small companions are seen cuddling up under a white blanket while their mother takes pictures of them in a short clip. The adorable moment went viral on the internet!
The lovely puppies have had to deal with a difficult past since they were just a few weeks old, and they had to deal with it on their own. Thankfully, they were both saved and placed with the most amazing people. Antonia, an amateur photographer, adopted Knut, a two-year-old Pomeranian-mix, while Antonia’s mother Sylvia adopted Pauli, a two-year-old Dachshund. They now have a lovely life together and never miss an occasion to express their love and affection for one another.
Antonia planned to take advantage of the occasion and take some fantastic photos with them when she took them for a walk through a forested region near Hamburg, Germany, but she got more than she bargained for instead.
Knut puts his paws around Pauli to keep him warm while the two cute buddies pose for the camera, with Knut covered by a little blanket. Antonia captured the heartbreaking scene on camera, and the internet can’t get enough of it. But this isn’t the first time Knut has shown his pal such kindness. When Pauli is present, he always acts like a kind brother!