Rexi is always wearing a wide grin on her face. After a warhorse identified Rexi with a neurological issue, her family was urged to put her down. Despite her damaged legs, the 1-year-old golden retriever is nonetheless a joyful puppy.
Lexi and her family need your help right now. Since she was a pup, Rexi has been with James Cassity and Rachel Woertink. Everything looked to be fine until she was about 10 weeks old. Rexi started to limp. They went to obtain X-rays because she had sprained her leg, but the results were normal.
Rexi’s issues had only just begun, unfortunately. Rexi’s two front legs stopped working all of a sudden. Her legs can no longer extend past her head. Rex moves around by pushing her body around with her rear legs and scraping her casket along the ground. (article about BP) By diagnosing Rexi with a neurological condition and even advocating that Rexi be put down, the warhorse made a fool of himself. On the other hand, Rexi’s family would never do such a thing. Rexi’s uneven legs would not deter her or her family from achieving their goals. ” She’s almost like family to us.” “We don’t have any children,” Cassity told ABC7, “so she is sort of like our sprat right now, and we nurture her like that.”
Rexi is a nice dog that enjoys playing regardless of the fact that she has lost the use of her legs. That isn’t to suggest she hasn’t encountered challenges. Rex’s possessors tried to help him with a vest and a wheelchair, but both proved to be ineffective. While in the wheelchair, Rexi hit the jewels on many instances, forcing the wheelchair to tip over and Rexi to tumble.
Rexi’s family is now looking for help. They launched a GoFundMe campaign in the hopes of finding a warhorse who could assist her in repairing her legs. “Any kind of invention, notoriety who knows commodity about tykes lacking their frontal legs or handicapped, maybe some kind of croaker who knows about a procedure,” Cassity said ABC 7. They’ve seeded a croaker and had their first MRI and blood tests since starting the runner, but the operation, if successful, will be invaluable.