After losing her whole litter of pups, a rescue dog rescues 3 orphaned cats…

Georgia, a shepherd mix from Australia, was discovered wandering at a gas station along the US-Mexico border. Sunshine Dog Rescue, a non-profit group based in Phoenix, Arizona, was able to save her.

The organization noted on its website, “We care for and find fur-ever homes for mistreated, abandoned, and neglected dogs of all ages.”

Georgia was pregnant when the rescuers discovered her, according to the rescuers. They rushed her to a nearby veterinary clinic, where she underwent an emergency C-section and spay. Unfortunately, the veterinarians were unable to preserve her pregnant pups, and they were all born prematurely. She couldn’t take it any longer and grew distraught when her puppies went missing.

“I’ve never had a mother dog lose a full litter before,” Sunshine Dog Rescue founder Anita Osa told ABC 15. “She was frantic was the only way I could describe it.” She was looking for those babies, which was really heartbreaking. She ripped up the toddler mattress she was on, looking for her babies.”

Because Georgie was nursing, the shelter put out a Facebook request for any puppies who needed to be breastfed. Surprisingly, Osa was matched with three orphaned kittens in need of a loving mother.

Osa was initially unsure whether the dog would accept the cats, but they quickly proved to be a fantastic match.

“I was very unsure,” Osa admitted to the press. “However, I’d seen other animals nurse other species before, so I figured, ‘worst case scenario, she doesn’t take to them, and I’ve got some kittens to look after.'”

“I carefully introduced them to her.” I brought one out first and had her sniff it; she seemed to like it, then I brought out the others. It’s incredible to see how quickly she calmed down. I believe the kittens are unaware that Georgia is a dog.”

Fortunately, the kittens were doing just fine with their new dog mom and the rescue shelter. Georgia, according to Osa, guards the kittens as if they were her own.

We are delighted to report that all four animals have been adopted by new homes. Georgia even lives with one of her cat offspring, who was adopted by the roommate of the guy who took her in.

Here are some of the responses:
“This is really a great story,” a Facebook fan writes on one of Georgia’s posts about her babies. Another said, “She’s the finest mama.”

“Wonderful dog and kittens.” Every year, more than 600,000 cats and dogs are euthanized due to pet overpopulation. This is because many people do not have their pets spayed or neutered. It’s terrible that so many innocent creatures are killed by a cold needle. Please encourage everyone to have their pets spayed or neutered.”

Many people on the Internet have been moved to tears by this touching story of inter-species friendship. If you like this heartwarming story, please tell your friends and family about it!

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After losing her whole litter of pups, a rescue dog rescues 3 orphaned cats…
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