Every dog is entitled to a happy existence, but some dog owners are too cruel to recognize this. This puppy had already been through a lot when he was rescued and adopted. He couldn’t move his back legs after being paralyzed in an accident. He was abandoned after he was hurt again, despite his adopters’ promises to take good care of him.
The sad puppy was dropped in front of a school and was ran over again while waiting alone. This puppy had been through so much physical and emotional anguish at such a young age. Thankfully, the dog was rescued and taken to the veterinarian right away.
His injuries were caused by two distinct mishaps, according to the veterinarian. Can you imagine how terrified this poor kid was? Because he couldn’t get away, he was completely vulnerable to everything around him, and his owners simply left him there! Who could be so calloused?
Additional testing by the veterinarian revealed that there was no way to cure his significant nerve damage. He’d remain paralyzed for the rest of his life, but that didn’t mean he’d have to suffer. After the rescuers posted about the puppy online, an organization contacted them. They expressed interest in assisting with his care.
The puppy was sent to a special medical shelter in the house of a caring woman. He may live a long and happy life there without ever having to fear about being abandoned. The dog could strengthen his upper body sufficiently to be suited for a wheelchair with physical therapy and lots of affection. This would provide him with a full life of running and playing with other dogs.
We are appalled by the dog’s owners’ behavior, but grateful that he was rescued in time. If you know someone who is having trouble caring for their pets, please advise that they find them a new home. Many rescue organizations and no-kill shelters are willing to accept abandoned animals. There is never a reason to treat an animal as though it has no value! Please scroll down to read about the brave dog.