A terrifying incident was witnessed by Ernie Moss in 2011. He came spotted an object shaking in a ditch while walking his dogs. He noticed it was a Pit Bull in terrible condition when he got closer. She appeared to have been thrashed. Her legs were tied together and her mouth was restrained with electrical tape. Moss fought to release the puppy while instructing his wife to call for assistance.
The dog was rushed to the Capital Area Humane Society (CAHS). Moss had barely broken the shackles by the time they arrived, but the dog was virtually frozen to the ground. She would have died in agony if they hadn’t acted quickly.
Tatiana, often known as “Tater Tot” or “Taters,” was the Pit Bull’s moniker at CAHS. Tatiana spent nearly a year and a half in that shelter, slowly recovering from her numerous injuries. Her situation turned out to be far more serious than everyone had anticipated.
“It was clear from the start that being restrained and left for death in the cold was not her only concern,” CAHS added. “With just a brief glance, it was clear that she was suffering from severe brain trauma. She was taken to a local veterinary clinic for treatment and diagnostic testing right away.”
Tatiana was transported to Mackenzie’s Animal Sanctuary after receiving initial medical care, where she was greeted with love and support. She was still apprehensive around pets and people, particularly guys. Anyone who regained her trust would take a long time.
Despite the fact that Tatiana’s abuser was apprehended, shelter officials agree that he was not adequately punished. He pleaded no contest to counts of animal cruelty. He was sentenced to 43 days in prison rather than the 93 days he had been ordered to serve. He should have been punished far more severely for what he did to this wonderful puppy.
Tatiana’s phobia made it extremely difficult for her to find a home. The shelter personnel, on the other hand, earned her trust over time. She rapidly established herself as a popular at the shelter.
Tatiana wasn’t regarded adoptable and less afraid of the world until she was in her final year. Senior Pit Bulls, on the other hand, who must be the only dog, are in short supply. Tatiana continued to live at the shelter over the years, but it wasn’t enough. Michelle, a volunteer, moved up to assist. She began by fostering Tatiana on weekends, but she eventually decided to become her permanent full-time foster parent.
“Mackenzie’s long-term volunteers are able to care for the rescue’s more difficult-to-place canines.” Tatiana will finally be able to spend her golden years in a loving home after everything she’s been through,” Mackenzie’s Animal Sanctuary remarked.
Tatiana gets a loving home to live out her final years after spending ten years in the shelter system. And it appears like she has already settled in. After a sad background, she is able to experience love and joy thanks to her loving rescuers.