Puppies who have lost their homes at the shelter would not stop hugging one another…

They only wanted a new place to call home where they could enjoy the rest of their lives around each other.

Little CC like to sleep on top of her huge pal Chewbacca, tucked into his aristocratic fur.

“Each time we walk by their kennel, CC is either sitting on Leathery, draped over him, or coiled up against him,” Beast Deliverance League of Iowa prophet Jessica Jorgenson tells The Dodo.

“On the other hand, leather is indifferent. They both like being in close quarters with one another.”

These two musketeers aren’t your typical musketeers. They treat each other like family.

Chewbacca and CC used to live together. They were loved and looked after.

A mortal baby who didn’t like to enter the screen affected the effect. The brace was eventually taken to the Animal Rescue League of Iowa, where they were reunited. Constantly.

Chewbacca is treated like a pillow in the kennel by CC.

Despite their vast differences in size, they like walking together.

Chewy and CC “sit against each other in the vehicle,” according to Jorgenson, after some servants took them on a day trip outside the sanctum. “They are inextricably linked.”

Only one thing remains for these two to do as a couple: become espoused.

Chewbacca and CC are usually compassionate and have great command abilities.

The pussycats and tykes get along swimmingly. They can be preached outside of the sanctuary, but meeting them requires a visit within the sanctum.

Aside from that, these dogs desire regular walks and a comfy couch for giant Chewbacca to nap on while small CC looks on.

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Puppies who have lost their homes at the shelter would not stop hugging one another…
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