For a dog, the path outside the house is usually enticing. A casual stroll, a trip to the warhorse (yuck! ), or a special trip to the canine demesne are all options. One dog’s voyage, on the other hand, led her to the original beast sanctum, where she was aban.doned by her masters.
In pain, the poor puppy crouched in a corner, reluctant to look around. She did, however, get a parcel with the keys to a new life due to a compassionate delivery worker.
Tammy Graves, the founder of The Haley Graves Foundation, realized she needed help when she first met June Cash. Graves decided that seeing the puppy languishing in the corner was insufficient, so she made plans to place her in a foster home.
June was prepared to leave the sanctum after a brief stop and begin her journey to a new life in a new home. But first she had to pay a visit to the warhorse.
“She was terrified leaving and is just starting to trust people,” Graves told The Dodo. “She gets a little closer every day.”
After being inspected by the warhorse, June was discovered to have heartworms, and she started treatment to get rid of them. She seems to have been abused as well.
Despite how upsetting it was, she was better off being left at the sanctuary by her former proprietor.
Meanwhile, she was growing to trust people at her foster home as she learned that everyone engaged in her recovery was only trying to help her.
Finally, she felt comfortable approaching her foster parents.
He quickly offered to lend her money. The influx began, but it was far too slow. According to Graves, more than 500 people expressed interest in assisting June.
June, on the other hand, had to retrain herself to live in a home.
Graves enlisted the assistance of obedience coach James Voyatzis, who was already overworked. June had both physical and emotional scars on her face, revealing that she had been abused.
Graves explained, “That’s presumably from being hit with sticks.” She’s had multiple litters and has spent the majority of her life chained to a tree. We realized we needed to find her a home because she was quite shy and would take a long time to warm up.”
June’s new house was finally finished, and she was eager to move in. On Christmas Eve, Amber Barlow and her family wedded her. Joan will be able to appreciate her current existence.
“The first moment I saw her photo, I knew she was mine,” Barlow told the News & Record. ” There was nothing that could keep me from her. “This was my little one,” she said.
June’s full story is in the video below!