In extremely terrible circumstances, the tale of a Shih Tzu named Bandit and the affiliated humane society began.
He was found to be severely underweight, with a filthy and matted coat, and in urgent need of assistance. Thankfully, he acquired it from a shelter in New Jersey.
His chip, nevertheless, was the largest aid.
Guess what was discovered once the staff scanned it!
The Bandit and his microchip have already been thought to be missing for five years!
The shelter’s staff immediately got in touch with its owners and informed them about Bandit.
Their joy knew no limits. They quickly found their pet, and many years later, their family was once again together.
Shih Tzu’s family traveled with him and paid daily visits to him even when he stayed at the shelter to see a cardiologist.
But if its owners had neglected to take care of its chipping, this reunion would never have taken place.
Let this tale serve as a prompt to chip your dogs.
Following this incident, the shelter in New Jersey started giving away free animal microchips and antibodies.